Saturday June 11th All Day

Today Austin and Jessa headed east to try to find the pretty water we were in the other day. We had to search a bit but found it about 3 miles east of where it was. We started off with a double header of Gaffer Dolphins on Trout rods with 10 pound test. We got two more singles on the light tackle before the wind started to crank up. It was getting rough fast out there so we headed in to look for a Cobia near the beach but never saw one. Thanks guys, those were the biggest Mahi we’ve ever caught with Trout rods on the Sneaky!IMG_2052 IMG_2044 IMG_2040 IMG_1889

Friday June 10th Morning

This morning Bill and Chris fished in the sound sinIMG_2034 IMG_2027 (1) IMG_2023 IMG_2017ce it was a bit too breezy to feel safe in the ocean. We started off catching Speckled Trout and Striped Bass casting artificials on light tackle. After that we looked for a Red Drum but didn’t find any this time. We ended the day in a different spot where we caught a few Flounder with one really nice one. Thanks guys, look forward to seeing you again next year!

Thursday June 9th Afternoon

This afternoon Josh John Brittany and Susan headed east for some Cobia hunting. We started off hot with a 45 pound citation Cobia right off the bat. We saw a couple Mahi Mahi and caught one on a Trout rod! We caught a few Remoras on the Trout rod then at the end of the day we saw a group of seven Cobias and hooked three. One nice one pulled the hook, one was a throwback (pictured) and one was a small keeper. Lots of action on a really fun half day trip with a great group!IMG_1989 IMG_2009 IMG_1997 IMG_2003

Thursday June 9th Morning

This morning Don Jack and Charles had a fun time in the sound catching a wide variety of fish. We started off catching Trout and small Stripers. Jack had a really nice Flounder on but he got away right at the boat. After that we tried for some bottom fish and caught several really nice Sea Mullet, Spot, Perch, Pigfish and pinfish> We were trying to get Jack a Flounder but we had fun catching lots of other critters while we drifted.IMG_1963 IMG_1967 IMG_1975 IMG_1977

Wednesday June 8th All Day

Today Mark and Brian headed out for an all day trip. We started off looking for Trout but the water was muddy and very fresh due to all the rain we had lately. We caught a bunch of small Stripers but no Trout. We decided to head to the ocean and try sight fishing for Cobia. Turned out to be a good plan as we caught 4 Cobia getting our limit and releasing one. No monsters but 3 quality fish for the grill. Thanks guys, had a blast!IMG_1953 IMG_1949 IMG_1945 IMG_0161

Monday June 5th

Today Wayne Vandiver took his son Russell plus good friends Mike and Greg out for a 3/4 day trip. We started off looking for Spanish Mackerel and found plenty on a pretty color change. After we had all we wanted we decided to try some chumming. We caught a nice Spinner Shark and also caught some more Spanish and nice Bluefish on light tackle jigging in the slick. We ended the trip with some Trout fishing in the sound. Thanks for a fun day guys!IMG_1935 IMG_1925 IMG_1929 IMG_1932

Friday June 3rd Morning and Afternoon

Fishing was really tough today. We had fog this morning and some of the strongest current I can remember due to the mini hurricane that reformed yesterday. We caught some Spanish Mackerel and BluefishIMG_1917 IMG_1913 but the Sharks and Cobia just didn’t want to play. This afternoon we did some Trout fishing to start then tried for a Cobia. Conditions were still tough but we did manage one small Cobia that we released. Great to have Ryan and Bill Denny back again this year!

Wednesday June 1st morning and afternoon

This morning Tom and Tommy had great shark fishing. We caught Blacktips, Spinners, Sandbars and Sharpnoses. With overcast conditions we were hoping for a Cobia but we never got one in the slick. This afternoon Will and Sean brought their girls down and we had great action with sharks but they were mostly big Spinners. They followed us for 2 hours with non stop hookups putting on a great show with some spectacular jumps. These girls were on to it. Great job guys and girls!IMG_1895 IMG_1869 IMG_1904 IMG_1876

Tuesday May 31st

Fantastic trip this afternoon with Charlie Joe Eric and Dave. We decided to do some chumming since it was cloudy. The fog rolled in once we got out there but we had non stop action with Blacktip, Spinner and Sandbar sharks. When it was time to go we reeled in our baits but saw another shark in the spread so we fed him a bait. Then we saw another so we put out one more and hooked him. Then I looked behind the motor and saw a big Cobia that wanted in on the action so we threw him a Meat Hog Bucktail and ended the day with a 49 pound Cobia! Great job guys!IMG_1839 IMG_1854 IMG_1830 IMG_1818

Saturday May 28th Afternoon

This afternoon Christopher and his crew headed out to try to get him his first Cobia since he always wanted to catch one. We got one good shot and made it count with a citation 44 pound Cobia.  Great job Christopher. No pizza tonight!IMG_1800 IMG_1810

Saturday May 28th Morning

This morning Rasheeda Jesse and Akiela went looking for Cobia. We caught Three but two were a little too small to keep. Lots of action for this great crew from Georgia and Richmond VA. Rasheeda is looking for a new home for her father Jesse to retire near the coast. Good luck on your search and keep me posted!IMG_1792

Friday May 27th Morning

This morning Jim and his crew came back after having a great day with Trout Blues and Stripers a couple weeks ago. We went after Cobia this time and got two including a 57 pounder!IMG_1763 IMG_1770